Sunday, February 27, 2005

Colonization in United States of America

Though the syllabus of History of USA, paper III of M. A. I begins with the Civil War but understanding of the colonization of America is very useful in understanding the Sectional Conflict in America.

A use full link is available if you click here. Give attention to the explanation given by Raymond Blair and Andy Walker. They have given a good description of the social, religious and economic backgrounds of the various colonies which were at the heart of the sectional conflict that caused the civil war.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Was Middle Ages a Dark Age: Any Idea

Find a good material on Middle Ages and related debate which has been based on the recent trends in the study of the European History and Modern World History.

Was Middle Ages in Europe A Dark Age!, European History/Renaissance

It has special importance for the students who have opted for the Modern World and World History. In India, most the available books refers to Middle Ages as Dark ages. However, in examinations there are many questions which refers to intellectual achievements before the Renaissance period. It confuses some candidates and on the other hand also force you to misunderstand the questions which are being asked.

This debate can also be useful for the M. A. Political Science student. Just look into, think over the issues raised and see how. It is especially useful for the student of the Political Thought paper.

UGC Web Site

It is important for the postgraduate student to remain abreast with the financial aids by UGC for undertaking research. It is also useful for Eligibility Test information is usually available before it comes in Print Media or in colleges.
The web site of UGC is useful and should be visited regularly.

Friday, February 25, 2005

1995 MA I Punjab History: An Important Observation

Part A Note Attempt any two of the following questions.
Write what you know about the views of J. S. Garewal on the politics of Punjab during the 15th and early 16th century.
Gokal Chand Narang writes that the whole system of Guru Nanak stands distinguished from other reform movements by two important peculiarities: its non-sectarian character and its reconciliation with secular. Discus.
Explain the bearing of the reing of the Mughal Emepror Akbar n the development of Sikh Panth.
Comment on the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahdur and its impact.
Write what you know about the instituion of the Khalsa nad its legacy.
Part B Note Attempt any two of the following questions.
Discuss Muzafar Alam’s approach to the process of decline of the Mughal power in Punjab.
What was the mission of Banda Bhadur. Explain his expliotrtsd and theeri signficiance.
Trace the rise of the Misls in the Punjab and account for the success of the Sikhs.
What light does G. S. Nayyar;s Sikh Polity throw on the nature of the two significant instituions of the 18th century namely the Dla Khalas a and Gurmata.
Comment n the economiy of the late 18th Century punhjab.