Getting the right information in the less possible time is highly desired and wished by all of us.
Writing and revision can be more effective if you know that there is assistance at hand which can help you to improve the contents and counter check the facts as being presented by you.
The above mentioned needs and which is my aim of developing my blogs for my own study as well as for my students in my college where I teach, I feel like sharing the following two resources. I have been using one of the resource for correcting my answer to GS papers of 2005 and used it to give more details on the questions which I will soon post on this blog.
The Fist Resource:
It is a new search engine which I have found different from other search engines. No doubt, my preferred search engine is still Google and second in preference is Yahoo which seems to have improved in last six to seven months.
The search Engine is Brain Boost.
The Seconde Resource:
The second important is a web site which can be used as a source. My source is actually CIA world Fact books. There are many questions on foreign countries in recent GS paper. I was in the process of collecting material when Siddharta Tripathi identified my mistakes. Hence, it required immediate attention and counter confirmation. I depended on this every source which I have mentioned. However, the web site which I am now suggesting claims to use three different sources. I have placed an article on my other blog about it. However, I give links to both these things below.
A. The Web Site: the open link is as follows:
B. My article: Resource on Facts No.1
An Apology:
I am not able to post regularly because of disruptive and erratic electric supply. One really wonders that what will happen if our country does not improve the infrastructure. One should not rue the brain drain if such a scenario continue. One should not blame those who leave the country. I feel amused when I find sensex crossing 7000 on BSE and 2150 on NSE and claims of having 6.7 GDP this time.
New addition:
However, it has nothing to with competitive examinations. It is on trial basis. The aim is to use Hindi language as a means of communication in this media. If you are not able to read it then kindly place a comment in comment box. I will be using Hindi language extensively for communicating with my students. The next language which I will practice in the meantime is Punjabi. I am ready with the Fonts and now I am practicing its type and improving my spellings and vocabulary.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
First Master Archive 2005
It is a detailed list of postings as they appear in chronological order. No classification has been done. Open each link on separate browser and maintain this page. It will be updated as new posting will appear on this blog.
1M. A. I Punjab History>>> Contains merely a last year university paper. An incomplete posting.
Dated February 25, 2005
2UGC Website>>> Contains a link to UGC web site. Dated 26/2/2005
3Was Middle Ages a Dark Age>>> A reference to an article already published at Basically a reference to a previous article placed on other web site. Also an idea for a term paper for the students. Dated 26/2/2005
4Colonization in United States of America>>> A reference to an article already published at Basically a reference to a previous article placed on other web site. Also an idea for a term paper for the students. Dated 27/02/2005
5Question Bank based on Last Years Question Papers, History of USA>>> A bank based on university annual question papers of Punjab University Chandigarh Syllabus. It is categorized as per the contents of the topics of the syllabi of 2004. Dated 3/04/2005
6History of Punjab for M. A. II>>> A reference and link to another blog wherein an analysis under the heading Reviewer’s Reading is being carried on for the book "A short History of Akalis by J. S. Garewal. Dated March 9, 2005
7Term Papers>>> A suggestion for term papers with two suggestions and forward links. Dated March 9, 2005
8Model Test Paper, April 2005>>> A suggested model of question Paper. A Guess work for the students of History of USA. Dated March 14, 2005
9Internal Assessment of M. A. I Student of Arya College for session ending March 2005>>> A matter concerned with the student of 2004/2005 session. Another blog contains such issues and no further such posts appear on it. Dated April 11, 2005
10State in Medieval India>>> An annual paper of Punjab University for M. A. I session 2004/2005. Dated 26/04/2005
11China and Japan>>> An annual Paper of Punjab University session 2004/2005. Dated May 6, 2004
12Social and Cultural History of India>>> An annual Paper of Punjab University. Dated 07/05/2005
13History of USA Annual Paper>>> An annual paper of history of USA of Punjab University session 2004/2005. It contains comments on the paper. Dated 09/05/2005
14An Essay on Origin of America>>> A personal essay on the origin of America. It is basically part of the notes which have been prepared earlier. A section has been plucked out of the notes and presented here as an essay. The same essay has been placed on with a different heading. It is a good article for term paper. Dated June 13, 2005
15First Master Archive 2005>>> Detailed list of postings as they appear in chronological order. Dated June 14, 2005.
16USEFUL TOOLS>>> A General essay on one search engine and two other website which can be used for getting further information.
17Sufism and Bhaktism in India>>> A good essay on the main features of Bhaktism in India. It has reference to another blog which contains details on Sufism in India in the corresponding period.
Dated February 25, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
An Essay on Origin of America : A Comment
The story of birth of America starts with the discovery of America by Columbus.
It is difficult to sermonize that Columbus ever knew that what actually he was doing. The discovery of American continent, the coming of Columbus to the American continent were all the result of some other forces, thoughts and game plans. In that game plan, no where it was imagined that a country by the name of America was to be built. The game plans were different. It was the desire to find a route to the East India. The need and force were the desire to acquire the products of East which were needed by Europe. Some other forces impeded the route, the traditional route. The European world had fought those forces in the name of religion. But the motivation factor behind the urge to find the route was economical. It was the urge of the people to earn profit and fulfill the mundane needs which was prompting them to find the route to East. It is difficult to discern anywhere that even Columbus had such a plan as establishing habitable areas on the way. His plan was only to find the route to the east so that he might become useful in getting the importance because he knew the route. He was trying for this even before Vasco could have set off to find the route to India by encircling Africa.
I believe that even Columbus was not a serious player. He was a mariner. His job was to sail the ships. He was without a job. He was seeking a job and he was telling people that there could be a route by moving towards west. He was seeking opportunity. It was while exploiting that opportunity that he found the American continents. What Spain was getting out of it? It was just a matter of chance that they came across some civilizations on the continent which could be overpowered and it was the greed of the European world which was satisfied there. Where was the need to find colonies on American continents? If there was no need to find the colonies in America, then the very creation of the world of America seems to be the result as a byproduct of the meaningless human endeavours which had brought fruits.
Now let us take up some concepts and facts which came up before habitation on American land was founded. Nowhere, the idea of America was there.
Concept of North West Passage:
North West Passage is sea route which joins Pacific Ocean with Atlantic Ocean passing through north of Alaska. This route was first tried by John Cabot in 1490s sea expedition while making efforts to find route to China and India. It was John Franklin who was able to trace the route to some distance between 1845 and 1854 but disappeared before reaching China. It was Roald Amunsden, Norwegian who joined a Belgian expedition, who traversed the real North West passage in 1903-1906. Finally in 1969, US Oil Tanker, Manhattan successfully used this passage. The main problem of using this passage is the ice boulders and failure of the compass to work being on the pole.
River Hudson is named after the English navigator Henry Hudson (1565-1611). It was Giovanni da Verrazano, an Italian sailor and pirate from a place near Florence, who was the first European to enter New York Bay. He was employed by Francis I of France of Valois dynasty to find a route to China and claim new lands for France. However the river was first explored by Henry Hudson in 1607 after whom this river the Bay were named. He explored it for English Muscovy Company on the ship of the company named Hopewell. The target of this exploration was to find North East Passage through Arctic Ocean to Far East. When after two attempts, Hudson failed to discover the route to Far East, the English Muscovy Company withdrew its support to Hudson’s expeditions. On that, Hudson turned to Dutch East India Company which provided him the required finance. It was his third voyage in 1609 which was carried on the Ship Half Moon employed under the Dutch East India Company. On this basis of his exploration, the Dutch were able to colonies the Hudson Valley in seventeenth century.
In 1613 Adriaen Block came to the river for the Dutch company and camped at the present place of Manhattan city of New York. In 1624, The Dutch West India Company established the Colony of New Netherlands. New Amsterdam was established by the Dutch people as a trading port on the south end of Manhattan in 1625. In 1664, this colony was surrendered to English but soon regained. Finally, by the treaty of Westminster, the Dutch ceded this colony to the English.
In 1613 Adriaen Block came to the river for the Dutch company and camped at the present place of Manhattan city of New York. In 1624, The Dutch West India Company established the Colony of New Netherlands. New Amsterdam was established by the Dutch people as a trading port on the south end of Manhattan in 1625. In 1664, this colony was surrendered to English but soon regained. Finally, by the treaty of Westminster, the Dutch ceded this colony to the English.
It was Henry Hudson who had explored the Delaware River in 1609. In 1610 Samuel Argall entered the Delaware Bay and named the area after the governor of Virginia Lord De La Warr. In 1638, a group of Swedes established the first settlement called Fort Christina. Now the city of Wilmington stands there. This settlement was a joint venture of Dutch and Swedish people. It was promoted by King of Sweden Gustav II Adolph, when he had become interested in colonization. The Dutch people who had joined the venture, were the members of a defunct Dutch West India Company. The settlement was called New Sweden. As it fell near to New Netherlands which was the settlement of Dutch people on present day Manhattan, the governor Peter Stuyvesant occupied New Sweden in 1655. In 1664, England brought it under its control and kept it under New York. This area was settlement of Native Americans who called themselves as Leni-Lenape. The literal meaning of Leni-:Lenape is Original People. They belonged to Algonquian linguistic group. They were highly respected by the associated Native Americans of the surrounding areas and called them grandfather.
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