The lay out of the term paper may be in following order.
Page 1 or Set 1This shall be the Title Page.
Here, Write the name of the term paper. It may be a question, or a heading. Remember, Term paper is a type of a minor research paper.
The heading shall be followed by the name of the student along with his/her name and Roll no of class.
It shall also be mentioned that it is undertaken for Department of Post Graduate Studies in History, Arya College, Ludhiana.
It shall also contain the name of the teacher to whom it is present.
___The following suggestive lay out may explain it.
Add Here any picture or Graphics related your Term if there is any.
For: Department of Post Graduate History, Arya College, Ludhiana during the session 2005-2006 for the Paper USA or Social and Cultural History from 1750 to 1950
Presented to: Sumir Sharma
It may break over whole sheet as follows omitting grids.
Present By: Name and Roll no. |
Add Here any picture or Graphics related your Term if there is any. |
For: Department of Post Graduate History, Arya College, Ludhiana during the session 2005-2006 for the Paper USA or Social and Cultural History from 1750 to 1950 |
Presented to: Sumir Sharma |
इस प्रकर पहला पन्ना बनेगा
।यह किताब के पहले पन्ने की तरह होगा
Page 2 or Set 2
Term Paper is a minor research paper. You must point out the hypothesis or motive or aim of the term paper on this page.
Being a Term paper in History, You must specify the sources which you intend to use. However, there is no need to specify the details here.
You must also define the methodology which you would adopt to write the paper. It may be that you will check the libraries, or archives, or go for interviews or use internet. Here you can also emphasize if you are going for generalized descriptions or statistical conclusion depending upon the nature of the term paper. You can also suggest the model here which may be used to write the contents and the conclusion.
The contents of this page should be very brief. It should end in giving assertive statements only on the aims, sources to be used and methodology to be adopted.
Page 3 or Set 3
Here you shall write the actual term paper. The contents shall be written here.
However, there should be a word limit. The minimum word limit which is generally expected is 1000 words or three to four pages and maximum word limit is 3000 words which may spread over 12 to 14 pages.
While writing, it is desired that the contents should be written in double space. The font shall be 11.
However, if you are writing in your own handwriting, if then write in double space. There should be one line spacing between every line.
सन्क्षेप में यहा मूल बात लिखनी है ।
Page 4 or Set 4.
Here you will write the conclusion. It shall not be more than one page.
यहा निषकर्ष आएगा ।
Page 5 or Set 5
Here you will write the sources used. It is generally in form of Bibliography, the library/archive used, links of sites which are used for accessing information or details etc.
If the interviews are the part of the methodology, then you will write the name of the people whom you have interviewed, the time and place of interview, and the form (audio, visual or written notes) in which the interview is preserved with you.
Here you may also given acknowledgement to such peoples who may have helped in writing your term papers.
Page 6 or Set 6
It shall contain a single page.
It is a certificate page.
You will give the following statement.
I , (Your name and roll no.), certify that this is my original work.
Signature(Name in Capital Letters)
Certificate by the Teacher:
I Sumir Sharma certify that it is an original work undertaken under my supervision.
(Sumir Sharma)
Additional Instructions:
You must put all the papers in a good file cover. It may be a good transparent or opaque file cover. Ensure that paper may not come out of it.
You can also go for a spiral binding which hardly costs Rs. 20. The best place is near PAU shops which undertakes such jobs in a good manner.
It is desired that you must deposit three copies of the term paper. One copy will go to university. The college may retain another copy if they desire. One copy, I may like to retain. However, it is not compulsory. You must submit at least one copy.