Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Frontier

The term New Frontier was coined by John F Kennedy. He used this term in a message at the time of his nomination to the presidential candidature by the Democratic party.

He spoke, “We stand at the edge of a New Frontier—the frontier of unfulfilled hopes and dreams, a frontier of unknown opportunities and beliefs in peril. Beyond that frontier are uncharted areas of science and space, unsolved problems of peace and war, unconquered problems of ignorance and prejudice, unanswered questions of poverty and surplus.”

He spoke to encourage his countrymen. At that time there was sense of anxiety due to increase in competition during the Cold War.

When Kennedy became the President he adopted number of measures to face the Cold War situation. In the field of economy, by the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, the President was given power to negotiate on tariff issues with the European Market. With the Fair Labour Standard Act 1961, the daily wages of the workers in retail sector was increased. Under Omnibus Housing Bill 1961, economy was revitalized by providing affordable housing and increased housing construction. Under Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962, the training was financed for the unemployed who had been displaced by introduction of new technologies. In order to given equal status to the Women in education and work places Kennedy signed Equal Pay Act in 1963. IN the field of Defense, Kennedy allowed development of troops in counterinsurgency, tackle spread of communist forces, increase nuclear arms development etc. He tackled Cuban Missile crisis, Laos, Vietnam and Bay of Pigs invasion though such measures faced lot of criticism.

In the above manner, the spirit of New Frontier message was translated into such actions which faced new field of crisis, new frontiers of science and space, the frontiers of peace and war, the frontiers of poverty and surplus and reinstated the confidence of the American nation.

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